Diy French Braid

2:34:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

     Hey guys and girls!  This is my first post and I am extremely excited!  I am hoping to be able to use this blog as another output of myself and what I love to do.  I already have a YouTube channel with a few videos but I am still trying to work out all the kinks.

     I am hoping that I will be able to get everything running smoothly within the first few weeks of school so that I can be less stressed.  I have my next few YouTube videos and blog posts planned out I just am not sure if they will get up on these sites when I want them to.

     This is a tutorial I did specifically for YouTube but I figured I might as well post it on here as well!  I hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment about things you think I could improve or adjust to make it better.

Click on the link Below
DIY French Braid


Spring Braids

10:50:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

     So far this spring I have been obsessing with the bohemian/ gypsy/ Viking look, I'm pretty sure it is because my hair is finally long enough to look good braided (at least on me) and because of its natural texture it is fairly easy for me to get the messy lived in texture.
     The first one is one I did on my mom about a year ago while on a whim.  All it is is a french fishtail into a conch shell bun.

     The next two ones I did today and yesterday because I am currently home sick with a cold, not fun, so I decided to experiment with the bohemian braid because that was something I could do while sitting down.
     The first one is just a simple loose french braid down my back.

     This next braid was inspired by last years New York fashion week and the safari line by Rachel Zoe (as shown in the bottom left corner).  The other pictured are the results I got doing it by myself on my own crazy hair.

     If you would like a tutorial on any of the styles just comment down below and I will try and find a time to film a tutorial or get help to take photos of the tutorial so that I may post them.